Obama signs defense bill, enabling help for Ukraine

Обама. AdverMAN

The document provides up to USD 350 mln for security measures

U.S. President Barack Obama has signed into law the National Defense Authorizations Act (NDAA), 2017 authorizing up to USD 350 million to be made available for security assistance to Ukraine, UNIAN reports with references to Ukraine’s Embassy to the United States.

This amount includes lethal defensive assistance, for the fiscal year 2017, the Embassy wrote on Facebook in the early hours of Saturday, December 24.

It is a USD 50 million increase from 300 million authorized in NDAA, 2016.

As was reported earlier, Ukraine security assistance and intelligence support has been expanded to include equipment and technical assistance to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine for the purpose of developing a comprehensive border surveillance network for Ukraine, as well as training for staff officers and senior leadership of the military.

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